Sunday, June 21, 2015

Yeast Infection in Men - Symptoms, Causes and Treatment

Yeast infections in men are common but are often overlooked because some type of yeast infections in men can be difficult to detect. Men can get yeast infections in the penis, mouth, skin, gut and anus.

This article will discuss the symptoms of male yeast infection, causes and the prevention of yeast infection in men.

Causes Of Yeast Infections In Men

A yeast infection is caused by the overgrowth of a certain kind of yeast known as Candida. Certain health conditions or medicines can cause yeast to grow actively, especially in warm, moist body areas.

  • The use of antibiotics is a common cause of yeast infections in men. Antibiotics kill the helpful bacteria, this creates an imbalance and helps the growth of yeast.
  • A yeast infection in men can be transmitted through sex. A penile yeast infection is typically caused by sexual contact with a women who has a vaginal yeast infection. If you or your partner have a yeast infection, it's important that you get treatment right away to avoid re-infecting each other and avoid getting recurrent yeast infections. Doctors may advise you to abstain from sex until the infection is gone. You can use condoms to help prevent transmission of a yeast infection. You can also transmit yeast to the mouth or anus.
  • Men with a weak immune systems are more vulnerable to getting a male yeast infection.
  • Foods that contain sugar and yeast facilitate the growth of yeast. Eating too many peanuts, coconuts, wheat, barley increases the chances of getting a yeast infection.
  • Men who have diabetes are more likely to get to a yeast infection because they retain too much glucose (high sugar) in their blood which helps the growth of yeast.
  • Beer has a large amount of yeast and drinking too much alcohol can make a person more susceptible to getting a yeast infection.
  • A penal yeast infection is more likely to occur in men who are not circumcised.
  • Regular use of nonoxynol-9 lubricated condoms may cause anal yeast infection.
  • Temperature is a factor to grow yeast on the human body.

Symptoms of Yeast Infection In Men

The common symptoms of male yeast infection or penal yeast infection are a reddish rash or bumps on the tip of the penis as well as a burning feeling, soreness, irritation and discomfort in that area. Itching is one of the most typical male yeast infection symptoms. There may also be a discharge and a yeast smell.

Besides a penal yeast infection, men can also have a yeast infection in the mouth, skin, gut and anus.

A yeast infection in the mouth is called thrush. Thrush is very painful. You will have white patches in the mouth. If you have thrush, you should see your doctor.

Treatment for Men Yeast Infections

Luckily, yeast infections can be cured. Treatments include natural cures, prescription and non-prescription drugs. There are several ways yeast infection in men can be cured.
  • Natural remedies are highly recommended to cure your yeast infection. They are inexpensive, have little or no side effects and are easily available.  Natural cures for yeast infection include applying garlic or yogurt on the affected area.
  • Anti-yeast creams are available without prescription that you can apply to the affected area. Antifungal cream is rubbed on the penis and directly to the affected skin.
  • You can go to a doctor to get a diagnosis and get a prescription. Doctors will typically prescribe yeast capsules or antiseptic cream for curing yeast infection in men. They may prescribe drugs for severe yeast infections like systemic yeast infections.
  • You can consider taking pills to cure your yeast infection if your problem becomes systemic or severe. Pills may have side effects and should only be considered if your yeast situation is serious.
Prevention is always better than treatment. Eat healthy foods and get enough sleep to keep your immune system strong, avoid foods that contain sugar and yeast, use precautions when having sex and wear clean and loose underwear.

The eBook, Yeast Infection No More explains in detail what you can do to stop your yeast infection and prevent it from coming back. This is the only CLINICALLY PROVEN candida yeast infection healing system on the market that will give you all the information you need to  help you PERMANENTLY CURE your yeast infection fast.

Get relief fast with the all-natural holistic methods outlined in Yeast Infection No More today and start feeling better tomorrow!

Visit  for more information.

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