Thursday, July 30, 2015

Recurrent Yeast Infections – Knowing The Causes Will Help You Prevent Them

For many people, recurrent yeast infections are a part of life and something they have to deal with on a regular basis. Yeast infections can range from mild cases to the more extreme which, if left untreated, can become life threatening.

A yeast infection is caused by an overgrowth of the candida fungus. They can occur in the skin or mucous membranes, including genitalia, mouth, intestines, esophagus, gastrointestinal tract and bladder. The infection causes discomfort such as irritation and swelling of the affected area and can be brought on by a variety of different causes including diet, medications and environment.

The terms “recurrent yeast infections” and “chronic yeast infections” don’t mean the same thing.

Chronic Yeast Infections

A chronic yeast infection or chronic candidiasis syndrome continues for a long time and does not easily go away and may occur if you have an underlying medical condition. Chronic yeast infections typically indicate a serious health problem such as diabetes, cancer, HIV or other chronic diseases or a weakened immune system. If you think you might have a chronic yeast infection, it is important to see your doctor to find out if you have a disease that is causing your yeast infection. If you have chronic yeast infections, you should get a medical checkup,

Recurrent Yeast Infections

A recurrent yeast infection or recurrent candidiasis is an infection you are able to treat effectively but is returning. Many women suffer from recurrent vaginal yeast infections.

Causes of Recurrent Yeast Infections 

The main cause of recurrent yeast infections are fungi that occur naturally in the body and are harmless when kept under control. But if the natural bacteria balance is changed, the candida fungus can overgrow and a yeast infection can occur.

One of the common causes of a yeast infection is the use of antibiotics which changes the acidity level. High levels of sugar and yeast intake can also lead to recurrent yeast infections as can taking certain medications. Taking birth control pills seems to increase the frequency of the recurrent candidiasis syndrome. I’m mentioning more causes in my other article, What Are The Causes Of A Vaginal Yeast Infection? And What You Can Do To Avoid a Vaginal Yeast Infection.

Most women have one or two yeast infections during their lifetime but some get frequent yeast infections. For women, recurrent yeast infections are more common on the genital regions. These recurrent yeast infections may respond to treatment initially, but they come back and in some people, they come back more frequently over time.

Preventing and curing frequent yeast infections is possible, so if you are a sufferer of recurrent yeast infections, you must understand what they are all about and what you can do to avoid an infection in the first place.

To learn more about how you can get relief from the uncomfortable symptoms and cure your yeast infection once and for all, I recommend checking out this book, Cure your yeast infection now! Natural Remedy for Yeast Infection.

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