Thursday, July 30, 2015

Recurrent Yeast Infections – Knowing The Causes Will Help You Prevent Them

For many people, recurrent yeast infections are a part of life and something they have to deal with on a regular basis. Yeast infections can range from mild cases to the more extreme which, if left untreated, can become life threatening.

A yeast infection is caused by an overgrowth of the candida fungus. They can occur in the skin or mucous membranes, including genitalia, mouth, intestines, esophagus, gastrointestinal tract and bladder. The infection causes discomfort such as irritation and swelling of the affected area and can be brought on by a variety of different causes including diet, medications and environment.

The terms “recurrent yeast infections” and “chronic yeast infections” don’t mean the same thing.

Chronic Yeast Infections

A chronic yeast infection or chronic candidiasis syndrome continues for a long time and does not easily go away and may occur if you have an underlying medical condition. Chronic yeast infections typically indicate a serious health problem such as diabetes, cancer, HIV or other chronic diseases or a weakened immune system. If you think you might have a chronic yeast infection, it is important to see your doctor to find out if you have a disease that is causing your yeast infection. If you have chronic yeast infections, you should get a medical checkup,

Recurrent Yeast Infections

A recurrent yeast infection or recurrent candidiasis is an infection you are able to treat effectively but is returning. Many women suffer from recurrent vaginal yeast infections.

Causes of Recurrent Yeast Infections 

The main cause of recurrent yeast infections are fungi that occur naturally in the body and are harmless when kept under control. But if the natural bacteria balance is changed, the candida fungus can overgrow and a yeast infection can occur.

One of the common causes of a yeast infection is the use of antibiotics which changes the acidity level. High levels of sugar and yeast intake can also lead to recurrent yeast infections as can taking certain medications. Taking birth control pills seems to increase the frequency of the recurrent candidiasis syndrome. I’m mentioning more causes in my other article, What Are The Causes Of A Vaginal Yeast Infection? And What You Can Do To Avoid a Vaginal Yeast Infection.

Most women have one or two yeast infections during their lifetime but some get frequent yeast infections. For women, recurrent yeast infections are more common on the genital regions. These recurrent yeast infections may respond to treatment initially, but they come back and in some people, they come back more frequently over time.

Preventing and curing frequent yeast infections is possible, so if you are a sufferer of recurrent yeast infections, you must understand what they are all about and what you can do to avoid an infection in the first place.

To learn more about how you can get relief from the uncomfortable symptoms and cure your yeast infection once and for all, I recommend checking out this book, Cure your yeast infection now! Natural Remedy for Yeast Infection.

Friday, July 24, 2015

Natural Remedies For Yeast Infection? Do They Really Work?

Can you get rid of yeast infections naturally? The short answer is, yes, you can get rid of yeast infections with natural home remedies.

Yeast infections can be uncomfortable and include burning, itching, discharge and other discomfort.

A doctor will typically prescribe antifungal cream or suppository for a vaginal yeast infection or an oral medication. Vaginal creams might help you get rid of your vaginal yeast infection but it won’t stop the cause and if you don’t avoid the cause, you might get recurrent yeast infections.

If you like to avoid medications and want to treat your yeast infection with natural remedies, keep reading.

There are many different types of yeast infections and the natural remedies for yeast infection that will work to get rid of candida will vary depending on the type of yeast infection you have.

Yeast infections can include vaginal yeast infections, male yeast infections, yeast infection in the mouth, under the breast, in the lower abdomen, in the nails, and more.

The best known and most common type of yeast infection is the vaginal yeast infection. But men can get yeast infections in the genitals as well. Although a vaginal yeast infection is not considered a sexual transmitted disease, you can infect your partner because the fungus that causes a yeast infection can be transmitted through sex.

Taking antibiotics is a common cause of yeast infections. Sugar and foods that include yeast are likely to increase your yeast problems.

If you have a yeast infection, you will want to get rid of it as fast as possible.

You may have heard of some natural remedies for yeast infections such as apple cider vinegar, grapefruit seed extract, garlic, green tea, yoxxgurt, buttermilk, curds, olive leaf, and some herbs such as oregano and black walnut.

Some natural remedies can help you get rid of yeast infections because they have antifungal, antiseptic and anti-inflammatory effects.

There are effective, natural home remedies and treatments for yeast infections that work.

Looking for Natural Products?

Here are some of the most popular and often used natural products to help you prevent and stop yeast infections.

Yeast Infection No More is the only Clinically Proven Candida Cure System. It's the only ebook of its kind to offer a totally holistic way to permanently cure your yeast infection quickly and effectively. 

Click here to see my review of this ebook.
Visit to purchase or get more information from the publisher's website.

Veraferm is a natural remedy for yeast infections. It is a natural supplement that includes ingredients to bring balance to your digestive tract and help control the fungus that causes yeast infections and other candida infections.

The main ingredients include Biotin, garlic, golden seal, several probiotics and lactoferrin.  Probiotics are friendly bacteria that may suppress the growth of yeast - especially for vaginal yeast infections (candida albicans) as it provides good bacteria for the vagina which can reduce chronic yeast infections.

According to Dr. Mercola and many other health experts, "You will want to increase your probiotic (good bacteria) intake with a high-quality probiotic supplement or by eating cultured and fermented foods, such as natto. These contain the good bacteria that keep your vagina and gastrointestinal tract healthy and will ultimately replace the Candida." 
Click here to get more information about Veraferm.

Azo is a natural product that gives you a natural treatment for vaginal yeast infections. It prevents and relieves the symptoms of vaginal yeast infections.

60 Tablet Boxes (Pack of 3). Click here for more information  

Test yourself for vaginal infections from the comfort and privacy of your own home.
This product gets mixed reviews. Some people are very happy with this while others find it not useful.
Vagisil Screening Kit, 2-Count Package

Sunday, June 21, 2015

Yeast Infection in Men - Symptoms, Causes and Treatment

Yeast infections in men are common but are often overlooked because some type of yeast infections in men can be difficult to detect. Men can get yeast infections in the penis, mouth, skin, gut and anus.

This article will discuss the symptoms of male yeast infection, causes and the prevention of yeast infection in men.

Causes Of Yeast Infections In Men

A yeast infection is caused by the overgrowth of a certain kind of yeast known as Candida. Certain health conditions or medicines can cause yeast to grow actively, especially in warm, moist body areas.

  • The use of antibiotics is a common cause of yeast infections in men. Antibiotics kill the helpful bacteria, this creates an imbalance and helps the growth of yeast.
  • A yeast infection in men can be transmitted through sex. A penile yeast infection is typically caused by sexual contact with a women who has a vaginal yeast infection. If you or your partner have a yeast infection, it's important that you get treatment right away to avoid re-infecting each other and avoid getting recurrent yeast infections. Doctors may advise you to abstain from sex until the infection is gone. You can use condoms to help prevent transmission of a yeast infection. You can also transmit yeast to the mouth or anus.
  • Men with a weak immune systems are more vulnerable to getting a male yeast infection.
  • Foods that contain sugar and yeast facilitate the growth of yeast. Eating too many peanuts, coconuts, wheat, barley increases the chances of getting a yeast infection.
  • Men who have diabetes are more likely to get to a yeast infection because they retain too much glucose (high sugar) in their blood which helps the growth of yeast.
  • Beer has a large amount of yeast and drinking too much alcohol can make a person more susceptible to getting a yeast infection.
  • A penal yeast infection is more likely to occur in men who are not circumcised.
  • Regular use of nonoxynol-9 lubricated condoms may cause anal yeast infection.
  • Temperature is a factor to grow yeast on the human body.

Symptoms of Yeast Infection In Men

The common symptoms of male yeast infection or penal yeast infection are a reddish rash or bumps on the tip of the penis as well as a burning feeling, soreness, irritation and discomfort in that area. Itching is one of the most typical male yeast infection symptoms. There may also be a discharge and a yeast smell.

Besides a penal yeast infection, men can also have a yeast infection in the mouth, skin, gut and anus.

A yeast infection in the mouth is called thrush. Thrush is very painful. You will have white patches in the mouth. If you have thrush, you should see your doctor.

Treatment for Men Yeast Infections

Luckily, yeast infections can be cured. Treatments include natural cures, prescription and non-prescription drugs. There are several ways yeast infection in men can be cured.
  • Natural remedies are highly recommended to cure your yeast infection. They are inexpensive, have little or no side effects and are easily available.  Natural cures for yeast infection include applying garlic or yogurt on the affected area.
  • Anti-yeast creams are available without prescription that you can apply to the affected area. Antifungal cream is rubbed on the penis and directly to the affected skin.
  • You can go to a doctor to get a diagnosis and get a prescription. Doctors will typically prescribe yeast capsules or antiseptic cream for curing yeast infection in men. They may prescribe drugs for severe yeast infections like systemic yeast infections.
  • You can consider taking pills to cure your yeast infection if your problem becomes systemic or severe. Pills may have side effects and should only be considered if your yeast situation is serious.
Prevention is always better than treatment. Eat healthy foods and get enough sleep to keep your immune system strong, avoid foods that contain sugar and yeast, use precautions when having sex and wear clean and loose underwear.

The eBook, Yeast Infection No More explains in detail what you can do to stop your yeast infection and prevent it from coming back. This is the only CLINICALLY PROVEN candida yeast infection healing system on the market that will give you all the information you need to  help you PERMANENTLY CURE your yeast infection fast.

Get relief fast with the all-natural holistic methods outlined in Yeast Infection No More today and start feeling better tomorrow!

Visit  for more information.

Monday, April 6, 2015

Understanding Systemic Yeast Infection And Systemic Candidiasis

Systemic yeast infections are not only affecting women. A systemic yeast infection can affect men, women and children equally. Knowing the symptoms of a systemic yeast infection and understanding what it is is important and will help us to stay healthy and infection free.

            Cure your yeast infection now!

First, I want to explain that there is some confusion about what a systemic yeast infection is and different people use the term with a different meaning.

According to, the medical term systemic candidiasis refers to a condition where candida can become a dangerous, invasive organism that can occur in people with severely depressed immune systems. This typically happens when there is a serious illness like AIDS or leukemia that weakened the immune system. If that’s your situation, you’ll need medical treatment.

In alternative medicine, systemic candidiasis refers to a whole range of symptoms caused by candida overgrowth. It's also called chronic candida, the yeast syndrome, the yeast hypersensitivity syndrome or just candida. This is the kind of systemic yeast infection that we’re referring to here.

Choosing to eat a healthy diet may not be enough to ward of a systemic yeast infection as medical science once thought, and we now have to take extra steps to protect ourselves when facing an infection.

What Can Cause Systemic Candidiasis?

Symptoms of a systemic yeast infection or systemic candidiasis can present themselves both internally and externally depending on the individual.

Many people ask the question, “Can yeast cause systemic candidiasis?”

The answer is clear; in the beginning of the infection there is an overgrowth of candida albicans which are a yeast-like substance found naturally in the body’s digestive system. Many things can cause this abnormal overproduction of candida albicans but the usual cause is too many antibiotics or a poor diet although it can also be caused by an increase in air pollution levels or highly chlorinated water. Many of us display some symptoms at one time or another but the systemic candidiasis rarely gets the chance to fully develop.

When symptoms of systemic candidiasis do develop enough to cause an outbreak of the infection, it can cause many other diseases and problems from the mundane and non-life threatening to more serious, life threatening illnesses. Systemic yeast infections can cause everything from arthritis and gout to chronic fatigue syndrome, hives and depression. As an example, one adult might get heart disease or arthritis while another might only experience adult acne or skin rashes. This variance is due to mycotoxins in the body that the systemic candidiasis releases causing different results in different people.

There are two common causes for systemic yeast infection, the aforementioned candida albicans and the candida tropicalis from intestinal overgrowth. Some airborne fungal spores which are common in rural areas can cause systemic yeast infection symptoms as well as a high percentage of common allergies in patients everywhere.

What Can We Do About Systemic Candidiasis?

If you feel that you are susceptible to the systemic candidiasis risk factors, a healthy diet is the best place to start. Knowing the symptoms and understanding systemic candida treatments, will ensure that you are better able to protect yourself from an onset of this infection and any of its associated diseases.

When confronted with minor symptoms of yeast, some people may look for an effective candida systemic remedy. I’m discussing many natural yeast remedies on this blog that can help you if you have minor yeast problems. I also highly recommend the book, Yeast Infection No More – Home Remedies For Yeast Infection which is written by a health consultant and medical researcher and provides detailed information about all kinds of yeast infections based on the latest scientific research.

But a systemic yeast infection can be serious and if you suspect you may have systemic candidiasis, it’s important to see your doctor and get medical treatment.

Sign up for my newsletter (on the right) and find out what Linda Allen says about a treatment called EPD (Enzyme Potentiated Desensitization, also called Low Dose Allergens or LDA and why it's not a permanent solution for candida.

Linda says, "There are in fact, alternative, cheap, safe, natural and holistic health practices and methods necessary to permanently eliminate the symptoms of this disease and cure the root internal cause of yeast infection regardless of its type, location, or level of severity. The only way one can ever overcome candida yeast infection is by tackling all candida-contributing factors, the holistic way, not just the dietary or allergy triggering factors. By fixing the internal cause of candida overgrowth, all candida related symptoms would banish, permanently along with the feeling of increased energy, improved vision, health and well-being."

Linda is an author, researcher, nutritionist and health consultant who dedicated her life to creating the ultimate holistic yeast infection solution guaranteed to permanently cure the root of candida and dramatically improve the overall quality of your life - naturally - without the use of prescription medication and without any side effects.  If you have any yeast issues or suspect you my have problems related to yeast, I highly recommend her book, Yeast Infection No More – Home Remedies For Yeast 

Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Review of Yeast Infection No More eBook - Home Remedies For Yeast Infection

Home remedies for yeast infection? Do they exist?

Yeast Infection No More – Home Remedies For Yeast Infection – A Review

Not only women suffer from yeast infections. Men and children can get yeast infections too. But yeast infections are more frequent in women. Almost 50% of women will have experienced a yeast infection at some time in their life. The symptoms can be embarrassing and uncomfortable, and some women don’t seek medical help because of this. While these types of infections might be short lived in some women, for others yeast infections can be continuous. A lot of people suffering from yeast infection don’t want to take medication; they would rather resolve the problem naturally.

For anyone who wants to learn how to treat yeast infections naturally, help is at hand with a very informative, detailed book called Yeast Infection No More – Home Remedies for Yeast Infection. The book takes an all-natural, holistic approach to treating yeast infections. It offers a way to eliminate yeast infections for good; the remedies included in the book work quickly and naturally.

The 150-page book details a 100% clinical proven program that has been designed to cure Candida and relieve the symptoms naturally.

Yeast Infection No More – Home Remedies for Yeast Infection contains practical advice that anyone can use and was written by Linda Allen; Linda is a certified nutrition specialist, health consultant and researcher and her book shares the latest scientific research that has been proven to treat the causes of candida - and not just the symptoms.

Anyone who suffers from yeast infections will benefit from reading this book. It doesn’t promise a miracle cure, but by following the advice that is detailed in Yeast Infection No More – Home Remedies for Yeast Infection, women can become free from the symptoms of yeast infection without the need for pills, creams, or any medication.

Get relief within 24 hours with the all-natural holistic methods revealed in Yeast Infection No More today and start feeling better without any delay!

If you have have a yeast infection or get recurrent yeast infections, you definitely want to read “Yeast Infection No More.” Visit

Friday, February 27, 2015

Vaginal Yeast Creams

If you are looking for vaginal creams to stop your vaginal yeast infection, there are several selections to choose from. Popular vaginal yeast creams include miconazole, monistat and clotrimazone. Those are often prescribed by doctors but are available without prescription. They will give you quick relief from itching, burning sensation and other annoying vaginal yeast infection symptoms. You can purchase them from the links below or at your local drug store and pharmacy.

If you're tired of vaginal creams, you might want to look into the natural yeast remedies and homeopathic yeast remedies. Yeast Infection No More explains in detail what you can do to stop your yeast infection and prevent it from coming back. This is the only CLINICALLY PROVEN candida yeast infection healing system on the market that will give you all the information you need to  help you PERMANENTLY CURE your yeast infection fast. You should also check out this book if you're getting recurrent vaginal yeast infections.

See my review of Yeast Infection No More here.

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Review of Veraferm, a Natural Yeast Infection Remedy

Review of Veraferm, a natural yeast infection remedy

Veraferm, a natural yeast infection remedy, can help control fungus that causes yeast infections and other candida infections.

Natural Remedy for Candidiasis

My review is coming soon as far as the effectiveness.

Veraferm, a natural remedy for yeast infection remedy, can help control fungus that causes yeast infections and other candida infections.

Veraferm is a natural supplement that includes ingredients to bring balance to your digestive tract and help control the overgrowth of yeast in your body.

The main ingredients include Biotin, garlic, golden seal, several probiotics and lactoferrin.

Veraferm effectively helps strengthen your immune system and can be used in conjunction with topical treatments recommended by your doctor for accelerated recovery of your yeast infection.

Click here to get more information about Veraferm and order it

The eBook, Yeast Infection No More explains in detail what you can do to stop your yeast infection and prevent it from coming back. This is the only CLINICALLY PROVEN candida yeast infection healing system on the market and now you can own it yourself and PERMANENTLY CURE your yeast infection fast.

If you have a yeast infection or are susceptible to getting them, you need to buy this book. Forget waiting for creams and pills to take effect; get relief sooner with the all-natural holistic methods outlined in Yeast Infection No More today and start feeling better tomorrow!

If you have problems with yeast infections, you definitely want to read “Yeast Infection No More.” Visit for more information.